Toshiba America Foundation

Please note, this lesson plan was created by as a general guide and is not specific to any particular venue listed on our site.

Toshiba America Foundation grants fund the projects, ideas, and materials teachers need to innovate in science, technology, engineering, and math curriculum. TAF is interested in funding innovative projects designed by teachers or small teams of teachers for use in their own schools and classrooms. 

Teachers are invited to apply online for a Toshiba America Foundation grant to help bring an innovative project into their own classroom. Projects should improve science, technology, engineering and math learning for your students. Applications must be for project based learning, not requests for computers, laptops or tablets, etc. 


SUPPORTS CLASSROOM LEARNING IN: Science, Technology, Mathematics. 


Address: 1251 Avenue of the Americas, 41st Floor, New York, NY 10020. New York County.  

Tel: 212 596-0620 


Grade Levels Served: Elementary School, Middle School, High School.    

Amount Awarded: $1,000-$5,000. 

Deadline for Application: October 1st, March 1st, May 1st.