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Habitat For Humanity Service Learning
Habitat for Humanity helps people around the world who are homeless or live in slum housing by building and renovating houses for those in need.

National Wildlife Federation Service Learning
The National Wildlife Federation offers a variety of youth service learning programs that are perfect for any school, scout, homeschool and camp service learning projects.

YSA, Youth Service America
YSA, Youth Service America. Learn about resources to plan your service days. 9/11 Day of Service. Service Vote, Nov 2. MLK Day of service, Jan. 17. Global Youth Service Day, Apr. 29-May 1.
Love A Sea Turtle (LAST)
Love A Sea Turtle (LAST) is dedicated to environmental stewardship by engagement of youth in leadership development, marine and ocean conservation and service learning, inspiring others to get involved in year-round community service, and providing nature-based outdoor programs for underrepresented youth.
National Geographic
National Geographic School-Based Environmental Service Learning. Find ways to engage students in environmental service learning projects in the classroom or on school grounds. Find ways students can make difference and learn valuable skills through service learning projects. Grades 4-12.
Sierra Student Coalition
Sierra Club – The Sierra Student Coalition is a network of young people ages 14-35 organizing for climate, racial and economic justice. We offer training programs, popular education, leadership development opportunities, campaigns, resources, and a community of support for youth across the country.
Volunteer at a Local Library
Volunteer at a local library to help shelve books or other tasks. Learn about the library system and how books are organized.
Volunteer at a Local Museum
Have your group volunteer at your local museum to help clean or organize. Learn how exhibits are curated. Learn about types of jobs at a museum.
Volunteer to Paint a Mural
Volunteer to paint a mural or help beautify a local space. Locate a space and get permission. Create design, order supplies and implement. Lots of research, math and art experiences.
Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that connects academic curriculum to community problem-solving. Today, elementary, middle, high, and postsecondary schools across the nation participate in service-learning with the support of federal, state, district, and foundation funding. Studies show that, in the past, more than 4 million students from more than 20,000 schools participated in service-learning.
Service-learning is beneficial for students, organizations, and communities. All students, including those with disabilities (e.g., emotional and behavioral disorders, learning disabilities, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities, students with hearing and vision limitations), can be involved in and benefit from service-learning.