Multicultural Lesson Plan

Please note, this lesson plan was created by as a general guide and is not specific to any particular venue listed on our site.


Multiculturalism is a situation in which all the different cultural or racial groups in a society have equal rights and opportunities, and none is ignored or regarded as unimportant.

English is not the official language of the United States. However, it’s the de facto national language. One out of five people living in the United States can speak a language other than English in the home. The top five languages spoken at home by people over the age of 5 are English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.



The United States has always been and will always be a multicultural society — one where people from many distinct ethnic backgrounds have come together and form a society as a whole. Many museums mission is on one culture or ethnic group and others have specific exhibits on an ethnic group.

Study the history of the ethnic group and what you will be seeing, including the artist and artifacts.



Ancestry: one’s family or ethnic descent.

Artifacts: an object made by a human being, typically an item of cultural or historical interest.

Cultural: of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors

Ethnic Group: a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.

Ethnos: an ethnic group

Heritage: something that is handed down from the past, as a tradition.

Multicultural: is a situation in which all the different cultural or racial groups in a society have equal rights and opportunities, and none is ignored or regarded as unimportant.



  • Classroom community building
  • Listening skills
  • Verbal communication
  • Vocabulary development
  • Information analysis
  • Critical thinking/problem solving
  • Writing


– Make a classroom heritage tree.

– Create individual family trees.

– Visit the library and research the artist of the specific ethnic group from your field trip and write a paper on him/her.