
A field trip to the Greenville County Museum of Art provides an exciting way to enhance your curriculum and expand student learning. Designed to make grade-level connections to curriculum, GCMA tours can be customized to to include opportunities to practice reading visual text and address skills like identifying key ideas, articulating supporting details, highlighting artist choices, and arriving at an understanding of the image as a whole.

supports classroom learning in:

topics covered:
Modern Art, Contemporary Art, American Art.

contact info
Phone: 864-271-7570 ext. 1017


Grade Level: All Grades Program Type: Day Trips, Self-Guided Tours, Guided Tours, Guided Activities. Recomm. Length of Visit: 45 minutes-1 hour. Registration: Phone, Email. Cost: Free Title I or Financial Support: No. Accessible To: PD, VI.


Greenville County Museum of Art

This Greenville County Museum of Art is home to the world’s largest public collection of watercolors by iconic American artist Andrew Wyeth. The GCMA also has a collection of paintings and prints by contemporary artist Jasper Johns. Ranging from Federal portraits to contemporary abstractions, the GCMA’s acclaimed Southern Collection invites viewers to survey American art history through works with ties to the South.

contact info

Hrs: Wed.-Sat. 10AM-6PM, Sun. 1PM-5PM.


Prepared by

Art Museum Lesson Plan


– Vincent Van Gogh created over 2,000 works during his lifetime. However, he was only ever able to sell one of his paintings while he was alive.

– Leonardo Da Vinci was left-handed. He took notes from right-to-left instead of the English language standard left-to-right.

– Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned regarding the theft of Mona Lisa in 1911. He was released without being charged.

– In late 1961, Henri Matisse’s painting “Le Bateau” was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days before anyone noticed.

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