Discover how people have tracked time throughout history, from huge tower clocks in town squares to tiny watches worn on the wrist. Learn how a clock works and the skills and tools needed to build one. As you tour the Museum, you’ll hear timepieces in action and see videos of the inside mechanics and makers busy at their craft. With 18,000 square feet filled with thousands of horological artifacts, the Museum offers a close-up look at the art, science, and history of timekeeping.
supports classroom learning in:
Reading clocks, History of Time Telling, STEAM
topics covered:
History, Science, Engineering, Art, Industry, Trades, STEAM
contact info
Phone: 717-684-8261
Email: dganse@nawcc.org
National Watch & Clock Museum
Travel through time and experience the wonder of timekeeping. Learn what makes a clock ticktock and why watches moved from pockets to wrists. You’ll discover how people around the world knew the time hundreds of years ago as well as see the clock designed for people living on Mars. Learn about the massive Engle Clock during a demonstration and visit a replica jeweler’s shop from the early 1900s. Browse the Museum Store and don’t miss our special events and exhibits.
contact info
Hrs: Tuesday through Thursday and Saturday 10 am to 5 pm; Friday 10 am to 4 pm
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History Museum Lesson Plan
A history museum or historical museum is a museum dedicated to presenting artifacts and exhibits reflecting the history of a particular nation, local level or a specific historical prospective or period.
History museums and historic houses or sites constitute the largest number of museums in the United States.
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