
Students K-5 will learn about the basics of aerodynamics and how airplanes fly, using the functional aircraft that sit on the hangar floor as examples and hands-on exhibits.

supports classroom learning in:
Social Studies.

topics covered:
American history, military, World War I, World War II, Iraq War, aviation, war.

contact info
Name: Larry Starr
Phone: 631-293-6398


Grade Level: Elementary School, Middle School, High School Group Size: Varies. Program Type: Day Trips, Self-Guided Tours, Guided Tours. Recomm. Length of Visit: 1-2 hours. Recommended Ratio of Youth to Chaperones: Varies.Recommended Ratio of Youth to Chaperones: Varies.Recommended Ratio of Youth to Chaperones: Varies. Registration: Phone. Cost: Fee


American Airpower Museum

Located in a landmarked hangar of the former Republic Aircraft factory, the American Airpower Museum is an ideal setting to introduce grade 6-12 students to the role US military aviation played in the defeat of Germany and Japan during World War II. Exhibits and aircraft range from WWI to the Iraq War. Our docents interpret the exhibits and historic aircraft within the context of 20th century American history, while paying tribute to the men and women who fought overseas and worked in defense plants at home.

contact info

Hrs: Thur.-Sun. 10:30AM-4PM.


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History Museum Lesson Plan


A history museum or historical museum is a museum dedicated to presenting artifacts and exhibits reflecting the history of a particular nation, local level or a specific historical prospective or period.

History museums and historic houses or sites constitute the largest number of museums in the United States.

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