Explore the wonders of nature with the Greenbelt Conservancy’s environmental education programs. Become familiarized with the outdoors during the First Forest Experience program, explore the history and lifestyle of the Lenape people through games and other activities, or take a hike through the neighborhood searching for signs of nature, among several other interactive activities. The Greenbelt Conservancy’s environmental education programs meet NYS standards, and classroom outreach is available for Staten Island schools.
supports classroom learning in:
Science, environmental studies, history
topics covered:
Native Americans, bird watching, ecosystems, insects, plants, reptiles, urban wildlife, energy
contact info
Name: Greenbelt Environmental Education Department
Phone: 718-667-7475
Email: [email protected]
Greenbelt Conservancy
Explore 2,800 acres dedicated to discovering the sounds, sights, and scents of nature. Programs include bird watching, learning about insects, spiders, and reptiles. Environmental programs allow groups to examine carbon footprint and conduct a study of a freshwater ecosystem. Younger groups can learn about the differences between wild and domesticated animals, see how plants and animals grow and change and explore the benefits of trees. Homeschool groups can participate in regularly scheduled programming each month.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by FieldTripDirectory.com
Nature Exploration Lesson Plan
One single tree can provide the oxygen required for two human beings and over 8,000 sheets of paper. Trees can also clean the soil and air by absorbing harmful pollutants. So what have you done for a tree lately? Nature centers and state parks provide a hands-on environment to discover facts about native plants and animals, as well as ways to preserve these natural resources.
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Scout groups looking to earn nature-related merit badges can contact the Greenbelt Conservancy to coordinate a volunteer project.
supports scout badges in:
Science, environmental studies, history
topics covered:
Native Americans, bird watching, ecosystems, insects, plants, reptiles, urban wildlife, energy
contact info
Name: Greenbelt Environmental Education Department
Phone: 718-667-7475
Email: [email protected]
Greenbelt Conservancy
Explore 2,800 acres dedicated to discovering the sounds, sights, and scents of nature. Programs include bird watching, learning about insects, spiders, and reptiles. Environmental programs allow groups to examine carbon footprint and conduct a study of a freshwater ecosystem. Younger groups can learn about the differences between wild and domesticated animals, see how plants and animals grow and change and explore the benefits of trees. Homeschool groups can participate in regularly scheduled programming each month.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by FieldTripDirectory.com
Nature Exploration Lesson Plan
One single tree can provide the oxygen required for two human beings and over 8,000 sheets of paper. Trees can also clean the soil and air by absorbing harmful pollutants. So what have you done for a tree lately? Nature centers and state parks provide a hands-on environment to discover facts about native plants and animals, as well as ways to preserve these natural resources.
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The Greenbelt Conservancy offers monthly homeschool programs throughout the school year. Activities include taking an eco-hike to Moses Mountain, dissecting owl pellets, and constructing bat houses.
supports scout badges in:
Science, environmental studies, history
supports classroom learning in:
Science, environmental studies, history
topics covered:
Native Americans, bird watching, ecosystems, insects, plants, reptiles, urban wildlife, energy
contact info
Name: Greenbelt Environmental Education Department
Phone: 718-667-7475
Email: [email protected]
Greenbelt Conservancy
Explore 2,800 acres dedicated to discovering the sounds, sights, and scents of nature. Programs include bird watching, learning about insects, spiders, and reptiles. Environmental programs allow groups to examine carbon footprint and conduct a study of a freshwater ecosystem. Younger groups can learn about the differences between wild and domesticated animals, see how plants and animals grow and change and explore the benefits of trees. Homeschool groups can participate in regularly scheduled programming each month.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by FieldTripDirectory.com
Nature Exploration Lesson Plan
One single tree can provide the oxygen required for two human beings and over 8,000 sheets of paper. Trees can also clean the soil and air by absorbing harmful pollutants. So what have you done for a tree lately? Nature centers and state parks provide a hands-on environment to discover facts about native plants and animals, as well as ways to preserve these natural resources.
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