Hear the story of the Erie Canal and Buffalo’s history as the largest grain port in the world and experience the nation’s largest collection of standing grain elevators from just a few feet away. Travel along the waterway that made Buffalo one of the biggest and richest cities in the world while you gaze up at the magnificent structures that drove its growth. Learn about Buffalo’s scoopers, residents and immigrants alike, who worked the docks and mills, feeding the nation and the city’s Gilded economy.
supports classroom learning in:
Stem, Social Studies, History, Geography
topics covered:
Central Wharf, Buffalo Harbor, Erie Canal, Pan-Am Exposition, City of Light, Silo City, Grain Elevators
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]

Take an educational journey aboard the City of Buffalo’s Flagship, The Spirit of Buffalo. This trip is focused on nautical science and the history of our surrounding area. Students participate in hands-on activities including: team building, sail setting, navigation, mechanical advantage with use of simple machines, buoyancy, nautical terminology, and sail theory.
For younger students, Pirate Adventures are available. On these themed boat excursions, children are entertained with pirate stories, treasure-hunting, music, and loads of swashbuckling fun! Join us on this cruise for an adventure your students will not forget.
supports classroom learning in:
STEM, Nautical Science, Geography, History
topics covered:
buoyancy, charting and navigation, ecology, knot tying, line handling, nautical terminology, mechanical advantage, radio protocol, rigging, phonetic alphabet, steering, sail handling, sail theory
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]
Buffalo Boat Tours
Buffalo Boat Tours operates commercial boats tours out of Buffalo’s inner harbor at Canalside. Daily trips are available as well as private groups and charters. Each vessel is coast guard certified with marine restroom facilities on board.
contact info
Hrs: Vary
Prepared by FieldTripDirectory.com
Boat Excursion Lesson Plan
Did you know a boat can be built out of concrete and it will still float? As long as the boat is lighter than the water it displaces, it will stay above water. And what makes a boat move through the water? Throughout history, boats have been powered by wind, propellers, oars, motors, paddles, and ocean and river currents. Sailboats, which have been around for 5,000 years, can reach speeds of over 47 knots (about 54 mph) from wind power alone!
View Lesson Plan>>
Hear the story of the Erie Canal and Buffalo’s history as the largest grain port in the world and experience the nation’s largest collection of standing grain elevators from just a few feet away. Travel along the waterway that made Buffalo one of the biggest and richest cities in the world while you gaze up at the magnificent structures that drove its growth. Learn about Buffalo’s scoopers, residents and immigrants alike, who worked the docks and mills, feeding the nation and the city’s Gilded economy.
supports scout badges in:
Stem, Social Studies, History, Geography
topics covered:
Central Wharf, Buffalo Harbor, Erie Canal, Pan-Am Exposition, City of Light, Silo City, Grain Elevators
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]

Take an educational journey aboard the City of Buffalo’s Flagship, The Spirit of Buffalo. This trip is focused on nautical science and the history of our surrounding area. Students participate in hands-on activities including: team building, sail setting, navigation, mechanical advantage with use of simple machines, buoyancy, nautical terminology, and sail theory.
For younger scouts, Pirate Adventures are available. On these themed boat excursions, children are entertained with pirate stories, treasure-hunting, music, and loads of swashbuckling fun! Join us on this cruise for an adventure your scouts will not forget.
supports scout badges in:
STEM, Nautical Science, Geography, History
topics covered:
Buoyancy, Charting and Navigation, Ecology, Knot Tying, Line Handling, Nautical Terminology, Mechanical Advantage, Radio Protocol, Rigging, Phonetic Alphabet, Steering, Sail Handling, Sail Theory
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]
Buffalo Boat Tours
Buffalo Boat Tours operates commercial boats tours out of Buffalo’s inner harbor at Canalside. Daily trips are available as well as private groups and charters. Each vessel is coast guard certified with marine restroom facilities on board.
contact info
Hrs: Varies

Hear the story of the Erie Canal and Buffalo’s history as the largest grain port in the world and experience the nation’s largest collection of standing grain elevators from just a few feet away. Travel along the waterway that made Buffalo one of the biggest and richest cities in the world while you gaze up at the magnificent structures that drove its growth. Learn about Buffalo’s scoopers, residents and immigrants alike, who worked the docks and mills, feeding the nation and the city’s Gilded economy.
topics covered:
Central Wharf, Buffalo Harbor, Erie Canal, Pan-Am Exposition, City of Light, Silo City, Grain Elevators
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]

Take an educational journey aboard the City of Buffalo’s Flagship, The Spirit of Buffalo. This trip is focused on nautical science and the history of our surrounding area. Students participate in hands-on activities including: team building, sail setting, navigation, mechanical advantage with use of simple machines, buoyancy, nautical terminology, and sail theory.
For younger campers, Pirate Adventures are available. On these themed boat excursions, campers are entertained with pirate stories, treasure-hunting, music, and loads of swashbuckling fun! Join us on this cruise for an adventure your campers will not forget.
topics covered:
Buoyancy, Charting and Navigation, Ecology, Knot Tying, Line Handling, Nautical Terminology, Mechanical Advantage, Radio Protocol, Rigging, Phonetic Alphabet, Steering, Sail Handling, Sail Theory
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]
Buffalo Boat Tours
Buffalo Boat Tours operates commercial boats tours out of Buffalo’s inner harbor at Canalside. Daily trips are available as well as private groups and charters. Each vessel is coast guard certified with marine restroom facilities on board.
contact info
Hrs: Vary

Hear the story of the Erie Canal and Buffalo’s history as the largest grain port in the world and experience the nation’s largest collection of standing grain elevators from just a few feet away. Travel along the waterway that made Buffalo one of the biggest and richest cities in the world while you gaze up at the magnificent structures that drove its growth. Learn about Buffalo’s scoopers, residents and immigrants alike, who worked the docks and mills, feeding the nation and the city’s Gilded economy.
supports classroom learning in:
Stem, Social Studies, History, Geography
topics covered:
Central Wharf, Buffalo Harbor, Erie Canal, Pan-Am Exposition, City of Light, Silo City, Grain Elevators
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]

Take an educational journey aboard the City of Buffalo’s Flagship, The Spirit of Buffalo. This trip is focused on nautical science and the history of our surrounding area. Students participate in hands-on activities including: team building, sail setting, navigation, mechanical advantage with use of simple machines, buoyancy, nautical terminology, and sail theory.
For younger students, Pirate Adventures are available. On these themed boat excursions, children are entertained with pirate stories, treasure-hunting, music, and loads of swashbuckling fun! Join us on this cruise for an adventure your students will not forget.
supports classroom learning in:
STEM, Nautical Science, Geography, History
topics covered:
Buoyancy, Charting and Navigation, Ecology, Knot Tying, Line Handling, Nautical Terminology, Mechanical Advantage, Radio Protocol, Rigging, Phonetic Alphabet, Steering, Sail Handling, Sail Theory
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]
Buffalo Boat Tours
Buffalo Boat Tours operates commercial boats tours out of Buffalo’s inner harbor at Canalside. Daily trips are available as well as private groups and charters. Each vessel is coast guard certified with marine restroom facilities on board.
contact info
Hrs: Vary
Prepared by FieldTripDirectory.com
Boat Excursion Lesson Plan
Did you know a boat can be built out of concrete and it will still float? As long as the boat is lighter than the water it displaces, it will stay above water. And what makes a boat move through the water? Throughout history, boats have been powered by wind, propellers, oars, motors, paddles, and ocean and river currents. Sailboats, which have been around for 5,000 years, can reach speeds of over 47 knots (about 54 mph) from wind power alone!
View Lesson Plan>>
Hear the story of the Erie Canal and Buffalo’s history as the largest grain port in the world and experience the nation’s largest collection of standing grain elevators from just a few feet away. Travel along the waterway that made Buffalo one of the biggest and richest cities in the world while you gaze up at the magnificent structures that drove its growth. Learn about Buffalo’s scoopers, residents and immigrants alike, who worked the docks and mills, feeding the nation and the city’s Gilded economy.
topics covered:
Central Wharf, Buffalo Harbor, Erie Canal, Pan-Am Exposition, City of Light, Silo City, Grain Elevators
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]

Take an educational journey aboard the City of Buffalo’s Flagship, The Spirit of Buffalo. This trip is focused on nautical science and the history of our surrounding area. Students participate in hands-on activities including: team building, sail setting, navigation, mechanical advantage with use of simple machines, buoyancy, nautical terminology, and sail theory.
Pirate Adventures are also available. On these themed boat excursions, children are entertained with pirate stories, treasure-hunting, music, and loads of swashbuckling family fun! Join us on this cruise for an adventure your children will not forget.
topics covered:
Buoyancy, Charting and Navigation, Ecology, Knot Tying, Line Handling, Nautical Terminology, Mechanical Advantage, Radio Protocol, Rigging, Phonetic Alphabet, Steering, Sail Handling, Sail Theory
contact info
Name: Kelly Hacker
Phone: 716-235-8782
Email: [email protected]
Buffalo Boat Tours
Buffalo Boat Tours operates commercial boats tours out of Buffalo’s inner harbor at Canalside. Daily trips are available as well as private groups and charters. Each vessel is coast guard certified with marine restroom facilities on board.
contact info
Hrs: Vary