Groups will see paintings, rotating exhibits on crafts, printmaking, textiles, and more. Groups can schedule a guided or self-guided tour of the museum, and incorporate a workshop into the guided tour. Programs help to develop both observational skills in the galleries, while exploring a variety of media in the art studio.
supports classroom learning in:
topics covered:
American Art, Contemporary Art, History, Geography, Crafts, Printmaking, Textiles, Painting.
contact info
Name: Arielle Fatuova, Education Coordinator.
Phone: 843-238-2510
Email: [email protected]
Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
The unique collections at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum include cartography, arts and crafts, and Southern Art. The Bishop Collection of Antique Maps & Historical Prints features 15 maps from 1606 to the mid-19th century, and later historical prints.
contact info
Hrs: Tues.-Sat. 10AM-4PM, Sun. 1PM-4PM.
Prepared by
Art Museum Lesson Plan
– Vincent Van Gogh created over 2,000 works during his lifetime. However, he was only ever able to sell one of his paintings while he was alive.
– Leonardo Da Vinci was left-handed. He took notes from right-to-left instead of the English language standard left-to-right.
– Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned regarding the theft of Mona Lisa in 1911. He was released without being charged.
– In late 1961, Henri Matisse’s painting “Le Bateau” was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days before anyone noticed.
View Lesson Plan>>Scouts
Groups will see paintings, rotating exhibits on crafts, printmaking, textiles, and more. Groups can schedule a guided or self-guided tour of the museum, and incorporate a workshop into the guided tour. Programs help to develop both observational skills in the galleries, while exploring a variety of media in the art studio.
supports scout badges in:
topics covered:
American Art, Contemporary Art, History, Geography, Crafts, Printmaking, Textiles, Painting.
contact info
Name: Arielle Fatuova, Education Coordinator.
Phone: 843-238-2510
Email: [email protected]
Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
The unique collections at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum include cartography, arts and crafts, and Southern Art. The Bishop Collection of Antique Maps & Historical Prints features 15 maps from 1606 to the mid-19th century, and later historical prints.
contact info
Hrs: Tues.-Sat. 10AM-4PM, Sun. 1PM-4PM.
Prepared by
Art Museum Lesson Plan
– Vincent Van Gogh created over 2,000 works during his lifetime. However, he was only ever able to sell one of his paintings while he was alive.
– Leonardo Da Vinci was left-handed. He took notes from right-to-left instead of the English language standard left-to-right.
– Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned regarding the theft of Mona Lisa in 1911. He was released without being charged.
– In late 1961, Henri Matisse’s painting “Le Bateau” was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days before anyone noticed.
View Lesson Plan>>Camp
Groups will see paintings, rotating exhibits on crafts, printmaking, textiles, and more. Groups can schedule a guided or self-guided tour of the museum, and incorporate a workshop into the guided tour. Programs help to develop both observational skills in the galleries, while exploring a variety of media in the art studio.
topics covered:
American Art, Contemporary Art, History, Geography, Crafts, Printmaking, Textiles, Painting.
contact info
Name: Arielle Fatuova, Education Coordinator.
Phone: 843-238-2510
Email: [email protected]
Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
The unique collections at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum include cartography, arts and crafts, and Southern Art. The Bishop Collection of Antique Maps & Historical Prints features 15 maps from 1606 to the mid-19th century, and later historical prints.
contact info
Hrs: Tues.-Sat. 10AM-4PM, Sun. 1PM-4PM.
Prepared by
Children’s Museum Lesson Plan
Children’s museums feature interactive exhibits that are designed to be manipulated by children.
The first children’s museum in the world was the Brooklyn Children’s Museum, founded in 1899. Hundreds of children’s museums have opened in the United States since then. As of 2007, the Association of Children’s Museums estimated that there were approximately 80 children’s museums in development alone.
View Lesson Plan>>Homeschool
Groups will see paintings, rotating exhibits on crafts, printmaking, textiles, and more. Groups can schedule a guided or self-guided tour of the museum, and incorporate a workshop into the guided tour. Programs help to develop both observational skills in the galleries, while exploring a variety of media in the art studio.
supports classroom learning in:
topics covered:
American Art, Contemporary Art, History, Geography, Crafts, Printmaking, Textiles, Painting.
contact info
Name: Arielle Fatuova, Education Coordinator.
Phone: 843-238-2510
Email: [email protected]
Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum
The unique collections at the Franklin G. Burroughs-Simeon B. Chapin Art Museum include cartography, arts and crafts, and Southern Art. The Bishop Collection of Antique Maps & Historical Prints features 15 maps from 1606 to the mid-19th century, and later historical prints.
contact info
Hrs: Tues.-Sat. 10AM-4PM, Sun. 1PM-4PM.
Prepared by
Art Museum Lesson Plan
– Vincent Van Gogh created over 2,000 works during his lifetime. However, he was only ever able to sell one of his paintings while he was alive.
– Leonardo Da Vinci was left-handed. He took notes from right-to-left instead of the English language standard left-to-right.
– Pablo Picasso was arrested and questioned regarding the theft of Mona Lisa in 1911. He was released without being charged.
– In late 1961, Henri Matisse’s painting “Le Bateau” was hung upside down at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for 46 days before anyone noticed.
View Lesson Plan>>