Offers the following educational programs:
A Day with Shakespeare provides high school students an accessible way to enjoy the classics. The stories come alive on stage with beautiful costumes, relatable characters, and issues relevant to the modern teenager.
Classics For Kids Introducing elementary & middle school students to the world of Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and the love of theatre. Each play includes audience participation and interaction, performed by four actors taking on multiple roles, utilizing puppetry & props to bring these vibrant stories to life.
supports classroom learning in:
English, Reading
topics covered:
Classics, Literature, Shakespeare, Theater
contact info
Phone: 405-235-3700
Email: info@okshakes.org
Oklahoma Shakespeare In the Park
Oklahoma Shakespeare is to produce bold, re-imagined, entertaining and accessible interpretations of Shakespeare and the classics. Their vision is to become a fully professional regional theatre with a national reputation for excellence, while creating an artistic home for professional theatre artists that supports emerging actors and attracts the best artistic staff.
contact info
Hrs: Vary
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Theater Lesson Plan
Throughout the ages, theater has been used to record history, depict religious stories, spread information and even propaganda. Theater began in 500 B.C. in Greece. Today, Broadway shows alone sell over $1 billion worth in tickets and support 85,000 jobs – everyone from the playwright, to the sound technician, to the set designer. When visiting the theater, discuss what jobs people can have at the theater and the process of producing a stage play. Ask if the show offers Q&A or behind the scene opportunities.
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