Upcountry History Museum

The Upcountry History Museum at Furman University connects people, history, and culture. The rich heritage and culture of the “Upcountry” identity distinguish the region from South Carolina’s “Low Country.”

GRADE LEVEL - Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School, High School PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Self-Guided Tours, Guided Tours, Guided Activities. COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Homeschool SOUTH CAROLINA
TEL - 864-467-3100
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Museum & Library of Confederate History

The Museum & Library of Confederate History is dedicated to the accurate portrayal of the Civil War featuring artifacts and documents from the war period.

GRADE LEVEL - All Grades PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Self-Guided Activities, Guided Activities COST - Free GROUP TYPE - School, Homeschool SOUTH CAROLINA
TEL - 864-421-9039