Greenville Symphony Orchestra

The Greenville Symphony Orchestra is dedicated to providing educational and cultural opportunities. The GSO offers the Michelin Children’s Concert as well as outreach for 3rd-5th grade.

GRADE LEVEL - All Grades PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Guided Activities, Performances, Outreach. COST - Free GROUP TYPE - School, Homeschool SOUTH CAROLINA
TEL - 864-232-0344
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South Carolina Children’s Theatre

South Carolina Children’s Theatre serves children and families in the community through theatre, educational classes and workshops, and accessible outreach initiatives.

GRADE LEVEL - Early Childhood, Elementary School, Middle School, High School PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Guided Activities, Performances. COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Scout, Camp, Homeschool SOUTH CAROLINA
TEL - 864-235-2885
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Greenville Theatre

Greenville Theatre produces main stage productions, concerts, and plays for younger learners to explore the world of performing arts. Shows have included Les Miserable, Mary Poppins, Hairspray, and others.

GRADE LEVEL - All Grades PROGRAM TYPE - Day Trips, Performances COST - Fee GROUP TYPE - School, Homeschool SOUTH CAROLINA
TEL - 864-233-6238