Advice To The Players
Advice to the Players offers school workshops designed to further engage students with the stories and language of Shakespeare in ways accessible to multiple learning styles. School workshops are a great preparation tool to familiarize students before seeing a production, or to deepen their experience afterward. Schools attending a spring performance receive one free workshop. Options include active play exploration, a text-focused workshop, and directing a Shakespeare play. School matinees are available for booking.
supports classroom learning in:
Performing Arts, Language Arts.
topics covered:
Performing Arts, Shakespeare, Theater, Analytical Skills, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary Development.
contact info
Phone: 603-284-7115
Email: [email protected]
Advice to the Players
Advice to the Players is a unique company of theater professionals, enthusiastic community members and energetic teens that has been performing Shakespeare and offering workshops in New Hampshire’s Lakes and Mountains Region since 1999. Their award-winning productions bring William Shakespeare’s richly passionate plays to life and introduce new generations to live theater and to Shakespeare’s brilliantly rendered portraits of humanity. Advice to the Players also produces a Summer Concert Series and Play Reading Series, hosts events, and presents galleries of unique local artwork.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
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Theater Lesson Plan
Throughout the ages, theater has been used to record history, depict religious stories, spread information and even propaganda. Theater began in 500 B.C. in Greece. Today, Broadway shows alone sell over $1 billion worth in tickets and support 85,000 jobs – everyone from the playwright, to the sound technician, to the set designer. When visiting the theater, discuss what jobs people can have at the theater and the process of producing a stage play. Ask if the show offers Q&A or behind the scene opportunities.
View Lesson Plan>>Advice To The Players
Summer and Fall, Advice to the Players performs at the Sandwich Fairgrounds Stage and in the Spring at various venues. Groups can see performances like Macbeth, William Shakespeare’s 1606 tragedy of political ambition gone disastrously wrong. The stripped-down, minimalist aesthetic of the Players will bring the powerful language to the fore, and allow the true magic of theatre to transport scouts into the play.
supports scout badges in:
Performing Arts, Art.
topics covered:
Performing Arts, Shakespeare, Theater, Analytical Skills, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary Development.
contact info
Phone: 603-284-7115
Email: [email protected]
Advice to the Players
Advice to the Players is a unique company of theater professionals, enthusiastic community members and energetic teens that has been performing Shakespeare and offering workshops in New Hampshire’s Lakes and Mountains Region since 1999. Their award-winning productions bring William Shakespeare’s richly passionate plays to life and introduce new generations to live theater and to Shakespeare’s brilliantly rendered portraits of humanity. Advice to the Players also produces a Summer Concert Series and Play Reading Series, hosts events, and presents galleries of unique local artwork.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by
Theater Lesson Plan
Throughout the ages, theater has been used to record history, depict religious stories, spread information and even propaganda. Theater began in 500 B.C. in Greece. Today, Broadway shows alone sell over $1 billion worth in tickets and support 85,000 jobs – everyone from the playwright, to the sound technician, to the set designer. When visiting the theater, discuss what jobs people can have at the theater and the process of producing a stage play. Ask if the show offers Q&A or behind the scene opportunities.
View Lesson Plan>>Advice To The Players
Summer and Fall, Advice to the Players performs at the Sandwich Fairgrounds Stage and in the Spring at various venues. Groups can see performances like Macbeth, William Shakespeare’s 1606 tragedy of political ambition gone disastrously wrong. The stripped-down, minimalist aesthetic of the Players will bring the powerful language to the fore, and allow the true magic of theatre to transport campers into the play. Matinees are available for booking.
topics covered:
Performing Arts, Shakespeare, Theater, Analytical Skills, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary Development.
contact info
Phone: 603-284-7115
Email: [email protected]
Advice to the Players
Advice to the Players is a unique company of theater professionals, enthusiastic community members and energetic teens that has been performing Shakespeare and offering workshops in New Hampshire’s Lakes and Mountains Region since 1999. Their award-winning productions bring William Shakespeare’s richly passionate plays to life and introduce new generations to live theater and to Shakespeare’s brilliantly rendered portraits of humanity. Advice to the Players also produces a Summer Concert Series and Play Reading Series, hosts events, and presents galleries of unique local artwork.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by
Theater Lesson Plan
Throughout the ages, theater has been used to record history, depict religious stories, spread information and even propaganda. Theater began in 500 B.C. in Greece. Today, Broadway shows alone sell over $1 billion worth in tickets and support 85,000 jobs – everyone from the playwright, to the sound technician, to the set designer. When visiting the theater, discuss what jobs people can have at the theater and the process of producing a stage play. Ask if the show offers Q&A or behind the scene opportunities.
View Lesson Plan>>Advice to the Players
Summer and Fall, Advice to the Players performs at the Sandwich Fairgrounds Stage and in the Spring at various venues. Students can see performances like Macbeth, William Shakespeare’s 1606 tragedy of political ambition gone disastrously wrong. The stripped-down, minimalist aesthetic of the Players will bring the powerful language to the fore, and allow the true magic of theatre to transport students into the play. Matinees are available for booking. Students can also participate in theater training workshops and the young players practicum.
supports classroom learning in:
Performing Arts, Language Arts.
topics covered:
Performing Arts, Shakespeare, Theater, Analytical Skills, Speaking and Listening, Vocabulary Development.
contact info
Phone: 603-284-7115
Email: [email protected]
Advice to the Players
Advice to the Players is a unique company of theater professionals, enthusiastic community members and energetic teens that has been performing Shakespeare and offering workshops in New Hampshire’s Lakes and Mountains Region since 1999. Their award-winning productions bring William Shakespeare’s richly passionate plays to life and introduce new generations to live theater and to Shakespeare’s brilliantly rendered portraits of humanity. Advice to Tte Players also produces a Summer Concert Series and Play Reading Series, hosts events, and presents galleries of unique local artwork.
contact info
Hrs: Vary.
Prepared by
Theater Lesson Plan
Throughout the ages, theater has been used to record history, depict religious stories, spread information and even propaganda. Theater began in 500 B.C. in Greece. Today, Broadway shows alone sell over $1 billion worth in tickets and support 85,000 jobs – everyone from the playwright, to the sound technician, to the set designer. When visiting the theater, discuss what jobs people can have at the theater and the process of producing a stage play. Ask if the show offers Q&A or behind the scene opportunities.
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